Surface Water Development Standards
Surface water development standards are regulations for locating, designing, constructing, and maintaining stormwater facilities, applicable to development of new and replaced impervious surfaces.
What is the purpose of surface water development standards?
To protect life and property from flood and drainage hazards by maintaining the capacity of the city's stormwater conveyance system through the establishment of destination regulations for stormwater runoff from development.
- To reduce the impacts that urbanization is having on the city's water quality by providing standards for the capture and treatment of stormwater runoff from development.
- To protect waterways in the headwaters area from the erosive effects of increases in stormwater runoff peak flow rates and volumes resulting from development.
- To protect the city's stormwater system from oil and grease from stormwater runoff of impervious surface areas on properties that produce high concentrations of these pollutants.
- To prevent stormwater pollution by eliminating pathways that may introduce pollutants into stormwater.
What are the Policies and Regulatory Requirements Driving Stormwater Development Standards?
- Local policy
- Federal water quality regulations
- Oak Lodge Water Services' National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit
How are Stormwater Development Standards Implemented?
The Stormwater Development Standards are implemented through permitting.
The District, situated in Clackamas County, Oregon, is organized under Oregon Revised Statues (ORS) Chapters 198 and 450, the District has the authority to make and enforce necessary regulations. Within the District’s boundaries, the SWM Code has the same force and effect as any other law in the State of Oregon. OLSD District does not have authority or responsibility for county road and state highway maintenance or discharge.
Permit types
A SWM Code permit can allow/approve multiple types of activities, including tree removal within the buffer, erosion control requirements for soil disturbance, and/or detention and water quality treatment requirements for larger development projects.
Developer Services:
Oak Lodge Water Services has jurisdiction over surface water management requirements within our district boundaries. All development activities that affect stormwater quality, including runoff, erosion control, and work around streams and wetlands require permits from the District prior to the start of construction. Our development review is done in coordination with Clackamas County.
The Surface Water Management Code (SWMC) regulates new development and redevelopment within the District, including requiring detention and water quality treatment for runoff from impervious surfaces. This code also requires buffer setbacks from streams, wetlands, and other natural resource areas, as well as erosion control requirements for construction activities.
OLWS references Clackamas County Water Environment Services design specifications for Erosion Control.
Water Quality Facilities Technical Guidance Handbook
OLWS references the Surface Water Quality Facilities Technical Design Manual for design specifications for water quality facilities.
Tree Planting Guide (for replanting mitigation)
OLSWS references the City of Portland’s plant list for replanting guidance.
Contact OLWS permitting at 503-654-7765.
Supporting Documents:
Surface Water Quality Facilities Technical Guidance Handbook.pdfCity of Portland Plant List.pdfOLWS Fillable Permit Application.pdf