Boardman Wetland Complex - Phase I
Project Type: Storm
Project Status: Under Construction
Date Received: Friday, June 1, 2018
Historically, vast wetlands occupied the McLoughlin Corridor throughout Oak Lodge Water Services District. Early maps of the area (from the 1800’s) clearly show the presence of a very large wetland area on the plateau between the Oatfield Ridge and the Willamette River (where the McLoughlin Corridor is today). A remnant wetland remains today, known locally as the Boardman Wetlands (or Boardman Slough), this area is located east of McLoughlin between Boardman Avenue and Glen Echo Drive. This is the largest remaining wetland in the Oak Grove/Jennings Lodge area, and it drains to two streams – to Boardman Creek on the north end, and Rinearson Creek on the south end.
z0201-17-hda_submitted_maps.pdfz0200-17-d_1_submitted_application.pdfz0201-17-hda_1_submitted_applications.pdfz0200-17-d_2_submitted_application.pdfz0201-17-hda_2_submitted_applications.pdfz0201-17-hda_3_submitted_applications.pdfz0200-17-d_3_submitted_application.pdfz0200-17-d_4_submitted_maps.pdfApril 20 2017 Healthy Watersheds Committee Agenda and Minutes.pdf