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Fish on the Run, Irrigation Done!

OLWS and the Clackamas River Water Providers are asking customers to participate in the “Fish On the Run, Irrigation Done” annual watering campaign. You can participate by reducing or shutting-off your outdoor watering system in September. As our summers are getting longer and hotter, making sure there is enough water in the river for the fall fish runs is becoming more challenging.

Take the pledge and receive a yard sign to let your neighbors know you’re doing your part to keep water in the Clackamas River:

Fish on the run, irrigation done.  The yard sign says doing my part to keep water in the Clackamas River.

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, currently Clackamas, Oregon is abnormally dry and drought conditions are likely to develop over the next 3 months. The current conditions highlight the need for increased efficiency in water use, which lowers consumption and conserves our available water resources the Clackamas River. Currently our conservation meter is RED telling us the river levels are significantly low. Below is a list of ways you can reduce your water use outside.


  • Shut down all outdoor watering, spot water when needed
  • Take your car to a commercial carwash which recycles the water
  • Shut off all outdoor water features
Water conservation meter

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