Consolidation Cost Savings - Five Things to Know
Consolidation Cost Savings - Five Things to Know
- In May 2016 voters approved consolidating two utility districts with overlapping boundaries: Oak Lodge Water District and Oak Lodge Sanitary District. The primary purpose was to save money and gain efficiencies.
- A 2018 report published by the District shows consolidation has generated $711,000 in ongoing annual cost savings. The savings are greater than expected, and many have already been gained. The rest will be realized by the coming fiscal year.
- Personnel costs account for most of the savings ($418,000), from merging two general manager positions into one and not replacing two retired staff.
- Other savings ($292,000) are in materials and services: through joint customer billing, a combined website, a unified financial system and a single audit. That amount represents a substantial reduction in materials and services costs.
- The savings generated by consolidation represent 8% of the 2019 District operating budget, and will help keep customer rates stable, build capital reserves for infrastructure projects, pay for deferred maintenance, and offset future pension increases.
Learn More
Consolidation cost savings report:
Consolidation cost savings report:
The 2015 cost savings evaluation report:
The 2015 cost savings evaluation report:
Press Release:
Press Release:
News coverage:
News coverage:
Contact District General Manager: Sarah Jo Chaplen at 503-353-4200 or email